Undergraduate Degrees in Early Childhood Education

There are two degrees available with a focus on Early Childhood Education: Associate of Arts from NM Community Colleges and Bachelor of Science in Education.

  1. Associate of Arts Degree is available through Community College our branch campuses:
  2. Bachelors in Early Childhood Education – NM Public Education Department Teaching Licensure which prepares students to teach young children (birth to age 8).

Advising for our Bachelors in Early Childhood Education (ECE) program is available through the Center for Academic Advising and Student Support .

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During the first two years of the B.S. program, students concentrate on their general education requirements while also taking early childhood education classes. This professional education component acquaints students with the psychological, social, cultural, developmental, and cognitive aspects of early childhood. Students also begin to take field experience courses with child study requirements.

Upon acceptance into the College of HEST Teacher Education Program (TEP), students take courses in early childhood education including integrated methods courses in the subject areas of math, science, reading, language arts, fine arts and social studies; school and community collaboration; and advanced assessment. During these final two years of the program, students’ knowledge is developed and skills are practiced through extensive field experiences where students act in the role of teaching assistants.

See the TEP Office for more information about preparation and placement of student teachers in the Early Childhood Education program.

In the final semester of the program, students apply to student teach for 15 weeks. Upon completion of the BA program and passage of the New Mexico Teachers Assessment, students are eligible to apply for state licensure to teach pre-kindergarten through third grade with students who are developing typically and those with mild/moderate disabilities.

Transferring Early Childhood Education Courses

The following early childhood education courses have been identified as transferable from NMSU to other public two-year and four-year institutions in New Mexico. The equivalent course at other institutions can be identified using the common course number which appears in parentheses below. Similarly, students from other institutions can use the common course number to identify early childhood education courses that can be transferred to NMSU.

ECED 115 Child Growth, Development, and Learning (1113)
ECED 125 Health, Safety and Nutrition (1122)
ECED 135 Family and Community Collaboration (1133)
ECED 245 Early Childhood Education Professionalism (2152)
ECED 215 Curriculum Development and Implementation I (2163)
ECED 220 Early Childhood Education Practicum
ECED 230 Early Childhood Education Practicum II
ECED 265 Guiding Young Children (2183)
ECED 235 Introduction to Reading (READ 2113)