Welcome to the Teacher Education Program Website. If you are a new teacher candidate,
congratulations on having reached this important milestone in your professional career. The information on this website has been carefully selected and organized to answer many important questions about the teacher licensure programs in the College of Education.
If you are interested in becoming a teacher, but not yet admitted to the Teacher Education Program, please visit our Teacher Education Program page to check out the Paths to Becoming a Teacher.
The Teacher Education Program (TEP) is a committee composed of faculty members and administrators committed to supporting, encouraging, and working with teachers in the College of Education.
Our mission is to produce highly qualified educators to serve New Mexico’s diverse communities.
To submit your portfolio please see TEP Admission.
Becoming a Teacher
Find the best way to earn your teaching license…
No college degree?
One way to earn a license is to complete a bachelor’s degree in an approved teacher preparation program. The first step is to apply to the university and declare a major. NMSU’s College of Education has a wide array of exciting Undergraduate teaching programs.
- Undergraduate Teacher Preparation programs
Bachelor of Science in Education – Majors in:
Bachelor’s degree or higher but no teacher prep?
If you already have a bachelor’s degree or higher, you can earn your teaching license through a post-baccalaureate licensure program while you teach now on an intern license. See our Graduate Programs page for admission to our Licensure and Teacher Education Programs.
Licensed elsewhere?
If you have a teaching license from another state or another country, you can teach apply for a NM teaching license under reciprocity and teach now. More information about NM’s 3-Tiered Licensure system is available at on NM Public Education Department (PED) Licensure page.
- Undergraduate Teacher Preparation programs
TEP Application & Admissions
Admissions into the Teacher Education Program (TEP) requires a professional TEP portfolio and TEP interview. To progress into the upper division Teaching Methods block courses, students must successfully pass the TEP admissions criteria.
Please visit the TEP website for a complete overview of requirements, instructions for preparing the portfolio, and submission portal link. (https://tpal.nmsu.edu/admissions/tep-admission.html)
Please read all information provided on the TEP website carefully. It is important that you follow the TEP portfolio instructions described on the webiste and instructions packet. Fully complete your portfolio and submit to the College of HEST by the appropriate deadline. Portfolios that are incomplete or received past the due date will need to be resubmitted the following semester.
The Teacher Education Program Committee will review online portfolios three times a year, in the Fall, Spring, and Summer. Given that you have met the criteria listed in the TEP instructions packet (available on TEP website), upload your completed portfolio to the Teacher Education Program portal (link available on TEP website) no later than noon (MST) on:
3rd Friday in September for Fall,
3rd Friday in February for the Spring,
3rd Friday in July for the Summer
Confirm exact date on the TEP website or by contacting the Teacher Education Program office at the beginning of each semester (646-2669). -
Student Teaching Information and Application
Student teaching is completed during the senior year. Each student spends a full semester in the classroom with an in-service teacher. Placements are made through the TEP Office of the College of HEST. Most students remain in the local districts, but there are opportunities abroad
Please visit the STEP website for a complete overview of requirements, instructions for preparing the portfolio, and submission portal link.
STEP application packets are due the semester before Student Teaching
Students will submit their STEP packets using the online STEP submission portal on the STEP website. Completed STEP application packets are due on:
- the 1st Friday in March (for Spring submission) and
- the 1st Friday in October (for Fall submission).
Early Childhood Education
Dr. Violet Henderson
College Associate Professor Clinical Director, Early Childhood Teacher Education Program
ECED, TEP(575) 646-1537 | TEP Office
Elementary Education
Dr. Leanna Lucero
Assistant Professor Clinical Director, Elementary Teacher Education
(575) 646-2205 | O’Donnell Hall Room 135Secondary Education
Dr. Tracey Gorham Blanco
College Associate Professor Clinical Director, Secondary Teacher Education
575-646-4161 | O’Donnell Hall Room 101DSpecial Education
Dr. Yvonne Moreno
College Assistant Professor
(575) 646-2903 | O’Donnell Hall Room OH 302CAlternative Licensure
Dr. Cecilia M. Hernandez
College Associate Professor
(575) 646-1256 | O’Donnell Hall 101BPrincipal Licensure
Dr. Pamela Gray
Assistant Professor
575-646-2434 | Room 205B, O’Donnell HallVisual Impairment Program Licensure
Dr., Loana Mason
College Assistant Professor Clinical Director, Visual Impairment Program
(502) 523-5907Director, School of TPAL
Dr. Rick Marlatt
Associate Professor - Interim Director, School of TPAL
LLC, TEPrmarlatt@nmsu.edu
(575) 646-1758 | O’Donnell Hall Room 302J