Dr. Gorham Blanco works with the secondary education students at NMSU as the Clinical Director of Secondary Education in the Teacher Education Program. This includes students earning their 6-12 secondary teaching license in Science, Math, English Language Arts, and Social Studies, at both the undergraduate level and the graduate level. Dr. Gorham Blanco is in her 19th year of teaching with experiences in middle school, high school, and university teaching. She holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics, two master’s degrees in curriculum and instruction and educational leadership, and completed her doctoral degree in mathematics education. Her research includes secondary teacher education, student teaching, and STEM education. She recently received her College Faculty promotion to full College Professor. Dr. Gorham Blanco is a member of the Teacher Education Program (TEP) at NMSU, serves on the NM Public Education Department’s Professional Practices and Standards Council (PPSC), and is a member of the STEM Education Research Institute (SERI) at NMSU.