- Culture (i.e. history of the Southwest, lit of the Southwest, education across cultures, cultural anthropology)
- Parent/community involvement
- Assessment
- 6 hours of any foreign language other than English*
- Methods for teaching English as a second language**
- English linguistics or phonetics**
- English grammar
Initial license candidates (pre-service) educators need 24-36 semester hours to receive the TESOL endorsement. Educators with a current NM teaching license will only need 12 semester hours.
Secondary Educators
Secondary educators (6-12) providing most English Language Development (ELD) services will need both the TESOL endorsement and the English Language Arts (ELA) endorsement.
*requirement will be waived if educators have passed La Prueba or a Native American Language Competency Exam
** courses align with some of the English Langage Arts course requirements
Candidates for the TESOL endorsement must earn a score of 220 or higher on the Praxis for ESOL.